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You Can't Fix Stupid

Updated: Jun 12

A nation devoid of God is an enemy that will fall under the tyranny of the beast.

But...But .....But

It is Written: Blessed is the nation whose god is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for His own inheritance. Psalm  33: 12 KJV

Vote Forgetaboutit for any and all applicants seeking employment into office of we the people. If such candidates are not walking the walk of America First but rather their self interest of global politics in 2024 Vote Forgetaboutit in the General Election For Such a Time As This. 

As history repeats itself, to be or not to be is the question. Live as a surrendered slave to the candidates we hire to represent, with their global agenda of insanity. Alternatively, continue to live liberated and victorious since 1781, when the United Colonies, commanded by George Washington, defeated the British as General Charles Lord Cornwallis, who surrendered at the battle of Yorktown. 

So the question is whether to live freely as love of God and country Patriots or to live in overtaxed compliance slavery as paper tigers. To be or not to be, that is the question.

In the 2020, general election, we voted then we all went to sleep positioned for victory, but since they counted the votes, of course we lost anyway. Their slight-of-hand tactics were well documented in advance, but the question always remained: would they actually steal the election? Well, their weekend at Bernie's Star told all who would listen, "You don't have to vote for me, and I will win anyway." So, really, what was not to get?

Does the 2000 General Election, where Florida's twenty-five electoral college were determined by hanging Chads, ring a bell? Folks, as King Solomon wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes, nothing is new under the sun. Since the demonic playbook hasn't changed for over 2000 years, ensure they are going with what works. Doesn't the pig, regardless of its squeaky, clean appearance, always jump back into the mud, regardless of nothing? So, really, what's not to get or understand?

As a result, anticipate the armed forces to continue political bullying and intimidation, albeit at a higher level, because they have complete control over the military, with tens of thousands of migrant warriors eager to fill in and collect their massive free-living stipends while helping to bring down a nation. Knowing these knucklehead political-selected officials, they'll make a deal, and after they put them all in the military, they will become naturalized citizens, while you and I will become migrant citizens. That mentality seems about correct to me; what about you? The beast intends for us to beg for fundamental living necessities.

Come on, people. Either see victory through, with love for country as the United Colonies Continental Forces, or accept their compliant lifestyle permanently to continue being the disrespected American Paper Tiger citizens in New America as compliance slaves. As with our pro-choice God, the choice is always ours.

Introduction to the insane in the membrane living in their New America

Permit me to provide you with a highly effective life strategy that will help you succeed in New America. You would be happy that you adjusted to change your way of life by eliminating things to either have less or nothing at all, as per the suggested narrative. Since everyone on the planet is the same, what distinguishes the inhabitants of Venezuela from those in America? The nation of Venezuela was likewise a stunning, affluent, and prosperous nation not so long ago. The Beast then tricked its people into using electronic voting devices to seize control of the nation. Now they are all poor and begging in the streets. America, what is your problem? Now is the defining moment for us, the people of America. Either submit to the beast to follow suit. Or take up your cross and stand up for your faith in God and love for your country to live victorious, as in the battle of Yorktown. Do you understand? Do you get it? Perfect.

For a time like this, solidarity is the now-required attribute to refrain from their bullying and intimidation by voting for candidates who don't talk the talk but who walk the walk. To be, or not to be, a slave to their insanity by the candidates we hire—that is the question.

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