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The Purple RINO'S

A Historical Perspective

In God's Mysterious Ways, it took a successful businessman and leader to become a politician to finally expose the darkness to the light of American politics.

Back in the day, and I mean before all these self-privileged so-called public servants got groomed in progressive colleges to then converse and collude to take over a country, by being conditioned to be social justice lawyers by retribution through hate and accusations.

People who were successful were frequently asked to give up their time to enter politics, thus becoming politicians for the betterment of the country.

Hence, it could be argued that President Trump embodied the kind of person that America's founding political elites had hoped would help them establish a successful government by his personal accomplishments and guidance.

Politicians with Business Acumen

Imagine that, Trump is the Founding Fathers sort after type. A successful businessman and leader to then become a politician. That's the credentials the Founding Fathers were seeking to assist in building the great new nation called America.

Divine Intervention?

For those who are of Christian faith, many are aware that Prophet John Paul Jackson interpreted his prophetic dream in 2012 about a bulldozer demolishing the White House and the establishment of political corruption. So here in 2024, would it mean God raised up DJT for such a time as this in his fight against the deep state of corruption? With that said, in 2016, most were not yet fooled by the wolf in sheep's clothing when he chose Mike Pence as his vice president's running mate. I thought a man of faith would be a perfect compliment to start righting the wrongs of past presidential cabinets.

Evaluating Mike Pence's Action

The first red flag I noticed was when Mike Pence received a white envelope at the Bush Sr funeral service. During the service, several former leaders and country haters were also served with white envelopes. No one can say for sure but just maybe it was a kind reminder that you sold your soul, and there is more work to do in bringing down this nation.

Critique of Mike Pence

Truthfully, at the time, I was pondering the thought of why, then in early January 2021, it all came to fruition with the sheepwolf, Mike Pence. People say so many things regarding his decision just to validate his moral course of action. His famous line of reasoning was that it's not up to me to swing the outcome of an election, and he was perfectly correct in saying that.


Although he wasn't asked to swing the outcome of the election. At the time of election certification, there was plenty of physical evidence to back up allegations that many voting states had failed in basic moral ethics with their never-ending arithmetic of calculation, and with on-the-fly changed voting procedures never voted into law. With such discrepancies, his obligation was to honor his oath the day he placed his right hand on the King James Bible and pledged to uphold the United States Constitution. His job was not to certify the election under such circumstances, to then let the courts settle the issues, like in the Supreme Court, and not the courts in the rogue states that hate America, Americans, and our way of life.

Observations on Election Dynamics

So not only did Mike Pence not uphold his oath to God the Creator the day he certified the election as an honest and fair process, but he paved the road for the machine to sink its demonic spirit into the very fiber of the only country God formed from the earth, America. Hey Mike, your oath was your job, which was to uphold the United States Constitution, first and foremost. Whatever happens next is just the reaction to the action of doing your damn job.

The Case of Mike Pence

The RINO Mike Pence is someone who once talked the talk to make America great again but is now building a pac fund of twenty million dollars to combat America's embrace of populism, against we the people, Which means he has sided with the machine to further divide what God has united, the country of America like the true republican in the name only RINO politician he is.

Ensuring Electoral Integrity

That white envelope must have sent a powerful message for him to abandon his oath of office, his faith, and his god. I don't know anything for sure, but I'm calling it as it goes down. My advice to Mike Pence, hit your knees in your prayer closet to repent, repent, and repent from the actions of a foolish, lacking oil to a wise virgin, with an overabundance of oil.


The PURPLE GOP, and for those who followed our southern border and its 2022 gubernatorial race between Republican Kari Lake and Arizona's secretary of state in charge of state elections, Katie Hobbs... Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. In that election, they not only counted the votes, but they never ran out of votes to count, always leading to their victory. Well, that southern border is the lynchpin to America surviving as a free country. To the machine, that southern border is the sacred ground that the machine must control, and it did and does right now. The courts can say what they want and verdict on any decision they desire in their court of one, to control their narrative. However, they remained in control by controlling the state senate to rile as they pleased which is the incredible arithmetic calculation of never running out of votes to count. In the election irony, they allowed the margin of victory to be slightly over 0.5%, at 0.8%, avoiding the state's automatic recount vote. Pretty slick, hey?

The GOP came full circle as an enemy of "we the people." The Kari Lake recorded conversation with the RNC REP asking to then bribe with lots of money and

influence to sit out the next senatorial race was self-teaching. A simple fact is obvious: MAGA Kari Lake did win the governorship of Arizona in 2022. As we finally came to conclusion, the GOP doesn't give a damn about America being any type of country but communist in compliance as the little brother to China. The GOP does not support the MAGA voting block that actually saved their party. The irony is, that we were all unaware their intent was to destroy the party. Supporting their colleagues across the aisle in re-constitutionalizing America is the obvious objective. In solidarity, we stand,

The GOP purple party is rogue and has been for a long time. They just disguise it better than the Democrats, but other than that, both their fruits taste the same—bitter to the taste buds of "we the people" of America. In 2016, great things could have transformed America with Republican control of both the Congress and the Senate. Under House Speaker Paul Ryan and Chinese Mitch, nothing of substance got done but the plan of wasting a lot of time on reforming Obamacare.

The 2018 midterms were "we the people" opportunity to finally set America forward, for the many good candidates were poised to win both the Congress and the Senate. Somehow, RNC chairperson Ronna Romney McDaniel, yes, the niece of Mitt Romney, was unable to pull off the win for whatever reason. The Republicans lost in 2018, 2020, and 2022, as the hat trick was concluded when the Republicans showed no support to the obvious winner but loser, Kari Lake, in the Arizona gubernatorial election. For simple reasons, there is no way in the machine's world that the southern border can be secured. If it is secured, how else will you be able to take down a nation in record-breaking time? Now, to stay ahead of the curve when a high-ranking Republican gets caught, like the low-life he is for trying to keep a fellow Republican from entering a Senate race, she is leaving her job as the RNC chairperson. Say what you want, but Uncle Mitt is no friend to the MAGA. The problem that I have with the RNC is this: Where was the RNC under McDaniels during all these races of suspected voting procedures that made winners the eventual losers, especially in the 2018 midterms? The RNC was nowhere to be found as a whole to support those candidates of the party who had their races altered in any way. Kari Lake had no help at all from the RNC to help secure her victory. Instead, later on, they sent a GOP representative low-life to bribe her to sit out the upcoming Senate race because the RNC does not support the MAGA movement. As for Ronna, good for her that her next worth went up about twelve million dollars over the last three election cycles from 2019 to 2023 according to Forbes, just saying.

Never forget that the floundering GOP was saved by the MAGA Republicans. It's time for the MAGA Republicans to seize total control of the party now that the GOP has failed to embrace and support the idea of making America great again. Now is the moment to eradicate their cancer as thoroughly as possible and cut ties with any RINOs who have betrayed the Make America Great Party. When appointing such individuals to represent our nation, please give us, "we the people," careful consideration. In case you are still undecided, don't forget the MAGA motto for 2024: Make America Great Again. Therefore, cast your vote, forget about it for them, and disregard all the Rinos who are against America ever being great again as a free and prosperous nation. The nation we save will be our own.

Say what you want about Trump, but in the real world, even at a 5 percent disadvantage due to voting migrants, 2024 would not be a factor because his win numbers would be even larger than Ronald Reagan's 1984 reelection landslide to victory over Walter Mondale.

Say what you want, but 2024 will be an even bigger victory than what 2020 was, which was huge, and they know it therefore all this insanity in bringing down a nation in record breaking time.

The problem since the midterms of 2018 is the never-ending number of ballots being counted to victory. The Kari Lake election votes were finished being counted when the democratic candidate finally totaled 0.8%, which was just enough votes to avoid a margin of victory of 0.5% or smaller for an automatic recount.

The secretary of state candidate in charge of the election failed to recuse herself due to a conflict of interest to navigate her win by less than a 1% vote. Yeah, okay, they are all so smart, and we, the people, are all so dumb, I think not. At The Wind Of Truth I am writing it as I have witnessed it because if we don't band together as a nation to overwhelmingly vote and forget about all the losers who hate America and our free living culture, we are going to be held in compliance to their daily narrative of insanity.

Standing in Solidarity

Stand in solidarity with our God and Country Living Theme ElectionWear Designs. Visit to stand in unison to save America together.

Since nothing is new under the sun, the next phase in their plan of living in New America, is living Venezuelan.

Read about their once beautiful prospering country of its people, to living Venezuelan

Permit me to provide you a highly effective life strategy that will help you succeed in New

America. You would be happy that you adjusted to change your way of life by eliminating things to have less or nothing at all, as per their suggested desire. Since everyone on the planet is the same, what distinguishes the inhabitants of Venezuela from those in America? The nation of Venezuela was likewise a stunning, affluent, and prosperous nation not too long ago. The Beast then tricked its people into using electronic voting devices to seize control of the nation. Now they are all poor and begging in the streets. America what is your problem? Now is the moment for you, America, to submit to the beast and follow suit. Do you understand? Do you get it? Perfect! NOW do it!

For a time like this, solidarity is the now-required attribute to refrain from their bullying and intimidation by voting for candidates who don't talk the talk but who walk the walk. To be, or not to be, a slave to their insanity by the candidates we hire—that is the question.

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