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About Us, About You, TempleWear Apparel, Accessories, & Things

Updated: Jun 15

About Us, About You, TempleWear Apparel, Accessories, & Things

About Us, About You, TempleWear Living Theme DailyWear

Introduction: The gist of it all,

"it's Our Great Commission God Work." Response to our Ability

As we all live our lives doing regular tasks like going to the grocery store, the gym, the bank, or shopping for clothes. Perhaps, maybe you're having fun with your family, friends,

or coworkers, or you're just pumping gas at the gas station, ect ect.

The gist of it all, for numerous reasons, there are times we are hesitant about

making that vital connection, expressing how awesome being born again

unto "Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Personal Savior" really is.

Perhaps, you are shy and introverted, nervous about talking in public, ashamed of your salvation, lack bible knowledge, or for whatever reasons might be. Scripture says there is no

excuse for lacking effort in spreading the gospel for the Great Commission to the world.

It's our God Work

Simple Simple Simple

Our part is to discern the quotes of, and or scriptures of our ministering merchandise to where we are comfortable to expound upon subject at hand... 

TempleWear, the tool of authority application for Apparel, Accessories and Things for obeying the command of Jesus unto us, His Church.

Hence, it's easy-peasy simple, just like getting dressed for the day. Therefore, no stress, strains, or struggles when witnessing our ministry of one,

God Work of the Great Commission, making disciples amongst the world.


Wearer Mode Application

Once we are out and about living life in Wearer Application Mode,

God, the Holy Spirit, will position us to capture their silent eyes, and through

the living word of God, their hearts are ministered unto by the authority of the Holy Spirit.

At that moment in time,

their eyes can see and their ears can hear, encouraging them to ask us God questions.

Scripture says Jesus comes to the door and knocks. Our fellowship together now opens that door for them to communicate on their terms to talk Jesus with us.

It is Written: For God says,

"At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you."

Indeed, the "right time" is now. Today is the day of salvation

2 Corinthians 6:2 NLT

As Christians, we should not support morally bankrupt global corporations, especially at a time when they are bombarding our minds with messages designed to manipulate our conduct with propagating anti-God sentiments. As Christian we are awaken unto the life of Christ Jesus, therefore our living Christian lifestyle should not mirror the world....

Instead of wearing the standard dull do-nothing, people that hate our way of life gear, and accessories such as T-Shirts, Hoodies, or Hats, or displaying their company logo merchandise.

Consider wearing high-quality trendy TempleWear Apparel, Accessories & Things displaying Christian Living Theme Merchandise as a simply ministering application

giving you the confidence supporting or even becoming your Great Commission God-Work.


Instead of supporting the devil's work agenda from his multinational businesses, which are hell bent on persecuting Christians for their faith in Jesus Christ, You can decrease their stronghold while increasing your spiritual wealth.

At times, we all go into our prayer closet and petition God the Father in the name of Jesus for a breakthrough in finances, don't we? We always need to buy and wear clothes, right?

We are always seeking company rewards from our purchases, aren't we?

So why not purchase with eternal rewards.

The Crown of Rejoicing

This crown is the reward for the Christians' God-Work of the Great Commission bringing others to Christ. 1 Thessalonians 2:19

Yes, You, as in Us, as in We, are the salt of the earth, the light on the hill witness,

to illuminating their darkness Are you aware of your Christian resume Question being of your time talents and treasures?

Aside from the delightful fulfillment of helping others and carrying out our Great Commission God-Work, this can also establish friendships as you witness seeing others come to a saving knowledge of Christ. 

Your Spiritual Connection might be so aligned that your inner prayer circle can increase for such a time as this....

For today is the day for salvation as we are welcomed into God's Eternal Riches Economy, where all rewards are eternally ours for all eternity....

Christian Love Gifts Art Religious Spiritual Inspirational Bible Scripture Birthday Special Occasions for Men Women Children Friends Family or coworkers. Shop at For Outreach Living Theme Ministering Brand Apparel, Accessories, & Gifts. 

The Great Commission, Our Ministry of One, for TempleWear Apparel Accessories, & Things, For Such a Time As This....

If you have trouble doing our God Work of the Great Commission, visit

Allow TempleWear to make it easy peasy, as getting dressed for the day.

If you have a problem doing our God Work, go into your prayer closet, and petition it to the Lord, but try and listen so not to be doing all the talking

The Response to Our Ability

Click link, Matthew 28:16-20, Click link,

Time, Talents, and Treasures?

The Parable of the Talents Luke click link, 

Are you a wise Virgin, or are you a CINO Foolish Virgin?

The Parable of the Ten Virgins Matthew 25 click link,

See you here, see you there, or see you in the air

God Bless, Chaplin Rich

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Chaplain Rich
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