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The uniting of the states called America. Who is Lafayette?

Updated: Jun 16

Long story short, numerous sources attribute Britain's General Charles Lord Cornwallis' surrender, to General George Washington, and the Continental Army: The Raising of The Flag, the battle at Yorktown, and the Treaty of Paris...

After six years of fighting, both the British and Continental troops were tired. In hostile territory, the British controlled only a few coastal locations in the United States. On the other side of the Atlantic, Britain was fighting a global war alongside France and Spain. The American conflict was unpopular and contentious, with no conclusion in sight. For the colonies, the long war for independence resulted in massive debt, food shortages, and a lack of morale among soldiers. Both teams were keen for a clear victory.

In 1777, a delegation led by American diplomats Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee negotiated in France on behalf of the American Colonies. Benjamin Franklin, and the American diplomats arrived at Louis XVI's court to discuss a United States-France alliance.

Treaty of Alliance (1778)

The Treaty of Alliance between the United State and France was signed February 6, 1778. Concluded between the government of King Louis XVI and the Second Continental Congress, the treaty, drafted in both English and French, proved critical to the United States winning its independence from Great Britain.

The two sides also agreed that neither France nor the United States would make peace with England until the independence of the United States was recognized. The trip was successful, and the King agreed to send muskets, mortars, gunpowder, and cash to America.

Who is Lafayette, George Washington's British valued friend and one of the Framers of the United States?

Aristocrat Marquis de Lafayette, also known as Lafayette in the United States, was a French nobleman and military officer who volunteered to serve in General George Washington's Continental Army during the American Revolution.

Lafayette, a strong proponent of constitutional monarchy, rose to become one of France's most important figures during the early years of the French Revolution and the July Revolution in 1830.

Who is Lieutenant-General, Comte de Rochambeau?  

Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau, a French nobleman and career military officer, born in 1725, first saw combat during the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-48), where he was wounded in the Battle of Lauffeld. Rochambeau's remarkable feat given his frequent encounters with death established such a stellar record that he was elevated to colonel in 1747 and given leadership of a regiment at the age of 22. He participated in the Minocan campaign in 1756 and, after being elevated to General, engaged in the Seven Year War, when he sustained battle wounds once more.

None of Rochambeau's exploits had a greater impact on world history than his role in the American Revolution, when he brought approximately 5,500 French troops to America in 1780 to join the Continental Army and fight alongside General George Washington in the battle of Yorktown

The Rising of the Flag, the Battle of Yorktown

On September 28, 1781, the world truly changes on that day with the birth of a future superpower. 

When In 1781, and in terrible difficulties against General Cornwallis British Troops, General Washington and Lieutenant-General Rochambeau marched south to Virginia. The British now outnumbered and outfought during a three-week siege that resulted in significant losses, forcing British General Charles Cornwallis and 8,000 soldiers at Yorktown to surrender. The British surrender proved to be the pivotal event in the American Revolution. General George Washington's triumph at Yorktown signaled the end of British control in the colonies. As a result, the Allied forces and Continental Army won in liberating the thirteen American colonies from British authority, uniting the states, and ushering in a new nation, the United States of America.

For the French allies, this was retribution for France, a longtime rival of Britain who was still seeking vengeance after being defeated by the Crown during the Seven Years War.

The Battle of Yorktown proved to be the decisive engagement of the American Revolution.

This last major land battle of the American Revolution led to negotiations for peace with the British and the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

Meanwhile, in London, on November 25, the Prime Minister, Lord North, declares, “Oh God. It is all over. It is all over.” On March 5, 1782, Parliament passes a bill authorizing the government to make peace with America. Lord North resigns 15 days later. Although it takes the Americans two more years of skillful diplomacy to formally secure their independence through the Treaty of Paris, the war is won with the British defeat at Yorktown. 

Lafayette’s celebrated return to the United States in 1824 secured his legacy as the most famous and popular French military leader in the American Revolution. However, in Lafayette Square, across from the White House, two monuments honor the French contribution to America’s war for Independence: one is for Lafayette, the other is for Rochambeau.

It is Written: I am the LORD, and there is no other; there is no God but Me. I will equip you for battle, though you have not known Me, so that all may know, from where the sun rises to where it sets, that there is none but Me; I am the LORD, and there is no other.....

Isaiah 45:5-6 BSB

God for Country Then and Now: From American Citizen to Global Citizen.

From General Cornwallis' surrender of the British Army in 1781 at Yorktown, which established freedom and sovereignty from Great Britain British rule to unite the states now known as the United States of America. 

Global Citizen Mandate, COVID 19, 2020

The current lunacy of American politics, from surrendering our sovereign God-given freedoms to them to global rules of compliance. These over reach burdens of taxation, religious oppression, and regulations in the pursuit of happiness until we, the people, are the same living-life-hindering ideals that forced the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain. The onslaught on we, the people of New America, in the United States has ripped the country apart. Here in New America, everyone is expected to support the policies of the United Nations and its one hundred and ninety-four member countries, allowing the United Nations to control the global agenda.

The Vatican of Rome, the world's weatherman, believes their one deity, god, fits all people's agendas.

The Vatican, the leaders on this path to changing the way the world lives and acts, hides in the shadows of climate change persecution, urging compliance.

Saving lives for the one true God does not appear to be on their agenda; in fact, I doubt it has ever been. Their objective has always been to entirely regulate human behavior in order to achieve conformity. Could this be the reason why? Bibles were not freely available? Could this explain why Catholic Masses were usually said in unintelligible Latin rather than English?

It was global warming then, but now it is climate change, which is simply classified as weather. The prospect of a rainy, warm, or freezing cold day cannot persuade people to give up their basic living freedoms in order to comply. Instead, instill fear in people's minds to generate terror in people's thoughts in order to manage global proportions and unite everyone in agreement to comply with their insanity. The psychopaths employ God's word about the cataclysmic tragedies of the end times as narrative guides to align the earth's one-word order in the absence of the One True God.

It is Written: There will be great earthquakes, and in many places people will starve to death and suffer terrible diseases. All sorts of frightening things will be seen in the sky. Luke 22:11 Contemporary English Bible

On Deck and next up to Bat, the Pope

The soon-to-be one-God-fit-all next agenda bullet point says that all gods are of equal deity, worshipped by different names. Actually, it all seems absurd, so it's a one-deity-fits-all scenario with one notable exception: aside from Jesus Christ, what other deity has risen from the dead up to this point in history? Enough said!!!

It is Written: I am the LORD, and there is no other; there is no God but Me. I will equip you for battle, though you have not known Me, so that all may know, from where the sun rises to where it sets, that there is none but Me; I am the LORD, and there is no other.....

Isaiah 45:5-6 BSB

Citizens and Countries from past dispensations of time have either been bless or cursed by the Creator unto His creation. For instance, the scriptures, in the dispensation of the Major Prophet.

Isaiah: It appears that Isaiah was a very private man, whose name means "Yahweh is salvation," At the time of Isaiah's ministry, Judah was a sinful unjust nation, just like America today. Although the book of Isaiah was written over 2,500 years ago, it is well worth reading through the entire book as we experience living in these end time latter days because in it we see much wisdom that still applies to our lives today.

Of the Major Prophets, Isaiah has arguably had the greatest influence on Jewish and Christian theology.

Like many of the prophets, Isaiah delivered a message that few people wanted to hear: God’s people had allowed their hearts to grow corrupt, centered around empty religious practice. Isaiah called God’s people to return to true worship or face judgment.

While calls for repentance and warnings of punishment characterize the first half of Isaiah, the second half emphasizes messages of hope and forgiveness.

God fulfills a part of His purpose through us; but, we must ensure that all glory and honor belongs to Him, as it is not about us. The Great Commission, Our Ministry of One.

TempleWear, Silently Starting Conversations the Holy Spirit Within Us Finishes, for such a time as this. 

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